# # Handle signing and verifying of release artefacts. # # make # - equivalent of make verify # # make verify # - verify all signatures in the directory # # make sign # - sign all release artefacts. # # Use # GPG2FLAGS='-u uid@redwax.eu' gmake sign # to force a specific UID to be used for signing. # # all: verify verify: find . -name '*.asc' -exec bash -c "basename {}; gpg2 ${GPG2FLAGS} --armor --verify '{}'" \; # test -s "$?" && gpg2 --armor --verify $? || true sign: sign-tar.gz sign-tar.bz2 sign-%: find . -name '*.$*' -exec bash -c "gpg2 ${GPG2FLAGS} --armor --output - --detach-sign {} >> {}.asc" \;