Signs any output & packages the result as CMS (pkcs#7). Typical config: CMSSigningCertificate /etc/pki/certs/sign.cert # Optional - e.g. if above sign.cert already contains the key too. # # CMSSigningKey /etc/pki/certs/sign.key # Optional - normally contains the chain up to, but not including the CA. # # CMSAddCerts /etc/pki/certs/chain.pem SetOutputFilter cmssign # Or limit the siging to certain files # AddOutputFilter cmssign .txt SetOutputFilter cmssign ProxyPass http:/..... # And check this with something like curl --silent http://localhost:8080/ | openssl cms -verify -inform DER -CAfile /etc/pki/certs/sign.cert or curl --silent http://localhost:8080/ | openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -noout -print In addition one can also set the flag: CMSSigningOutputFormat JSON in which case a simple JSON consisting of { "payload":".. base64 ..", "signature":"... base64 .." } will be output. The signature is a detached signature this time; of the decoded base64 of the payload. The signature is again a DER formatted CMS/PKCS#7; but detached this time.