# RPM Spec file for @PACKAGE_NAME@ Name: @PACKAGE_NAME@ Version: @PACKAGE_VERSION@ Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Redwax Apache digest signing with private key License: ASL 2.0 Group: System Environment/Daemons Source: https://archive.redwax.eu/dist/rs/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 Url: https://redwax.eu/rs/ BuildRequires: gcc, pkgconfig(apr-1), pkgconfig(apr-util-1), pkgconfig(openssl), mod_ca-devel Requires: mod_ca %if 0%{?is_opensuse} %define moduledir %{_libdir}/apache2 %else %define moduledir %{_libdir}/httpd/modules %endif %description The Apache mod_sign module allows the signing of a base64 or encoded digest with a plain private key; and output this as a base64, hex or raw binary (e.g X9.62 DER encoded) blob. %prep %setup -q %build %configure %make_build %install %make_install %files %{moduledir}/%{name}.so